Tag Archives: MLK Center

MLK National Historic Site

I’ve enjoyed my time at the Martin Luther King Jr. Site ! It was a blast to visualize and learn a lot about MLK in his hometown. Being in Atlanta is a privilege to get to see the wonderful history sites. And learn more about African American history. We need to learn more about our people. But while I was their i learned that Martin Luther King was born and raised in a church and grew up preaching. His father who was a pastor grew up the same way. Martin’s grandfather was also a pastor. So it runs in the family. But being inside his home church was also a privilege along with being at his house and to know that it is still up and organized and in good health.  You should always 

Three Colleges In One Day

MLK2Miraculously, we went to three schools and a historical site! We were able to visit Georgia Tech, Emory and Spelman! We also went to the MLK site where I learned a lot of information on the life of him, his wife Coretta Scott King, and Rosa Parks.

Georgia Tech has been my favorite school down south since for a while now. I’ve been dying to come back and hopefully receive even more information on the prestigious university. I was a little disappointed though because we were not able to get a guided tour this year, I feel like I missed out on information that I need before applying to colleges in a few weeks.

Emory is absolutely breathtaking. The entire campus is fenced off, but right outside of the gates is the heart of Atlanta. With a $5.4 billion endowment, the college had been able to put a lot of their money into their students and their campus. Both the admissions director and the tour guide were exceptional. They made sure that we understood what we should be focusing on in high school to make ourselves marketable come college. The tour guide was very sweet, more than we deserved to be honest! She covered every inch of the campus.

Overall though, Spelman was the shows topper of the day. I DID NOT WANT TO GO TO SPELMAN. I had heard too many negative comments about the students, and faculty of the school, but boy I am do grateful that we went! Our tour guide was absolutely phenomenal. She completely changed my view on the college AND she might be the reason that I apply when I get back home. She stressed the need for sisterhood and education. She was very informative and she was. Newly graduate of the school! She knew more about her school than any of the admissions directors could tell me about at their schools. They have a dual program for both engineering and nursing which are the two schools that I am interested in. Spelman was the winner of the day.

MLK Center

Today we went to the MLK Center we went into Martin Luther Kings Church -Ebenezer Church. We went in the house that he was born and raised in and where he and Corretta Scott an married. Corretta Scott King died in 2006. Martin Luther King started the bus boycott. He also marched from Alabama to Atlanta and marched on the streets Clark  and went on to Washington in the front of the White House and said his “I Have a Dream” speech. He also was the first black man to receive a NAACP award.